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Side profile of a pregnant woman with brown hair in a bun wearing a white top and orange cardigan with sleeves rolled up
FAIRER Consulting11 min read

Pregnancy and maternity leave at work: 6 essential things all employers should know

"'When will you tell your work?'" A simple question that is posed to most expectant mothers, yet often stirs up an unsettling mix of anxiety, concern and uncertainty. 

In fact, one quarter of women feel uncomfortable disclosing their pregnancy at work, according to the Equality and Human Rights Commission. This anxiety is unsurprising when you consider that 74,000 women each year lose their jobs for getting pregnant or taking maternity leave, according to Pregnant Then Screwed. To add, Diversity UK reports that 77% of working mothers in the UK have experienced some form of discrimination related to pregnancy or maternity.

"I felt uneasy broaching the subject, but fortunately, my employer handled my pregnancy and maternity leave in a positive and supportive way. My worries were unwarranted but not every workplace is as inclusive", shares a recent returner from maternity leave at FAIRER Consulting.

The 'motherhood penalty' remains a stubborn hurdle, with mothers experiencing slower career progression and lower earnings compared to women without children. Pregnant Then Screwed also found that, on average, mothers earn 24% less per hour than men, and it is mothers who are more likely to work part-time due to caring responsibilities. It is these inequalities that perpetuate the gender pay gap, pension pay gap and glass ceiling effect for women.

In this article, our team member shares her personal experience of being a new mother in the workplace, and highlights areas where support is most needed when creating an inclusive environment.

Here are six ways employers can create a more inclusive culture around workplace pregnancy and maternity leave:

1. Addressing the stigma around pregnancy in the workplace

Despite maternity being a protected characteristic, maternity-related discrimination is still a reality
for many women. 11% of mothers reported being dismissed, made redundant, or treated so badly that they felt they had to leave their jobs due to discrimination. 

Outside of this, stigma remains deeply rooted in workplace culture, as half of employers acknowledge that there is sometimes resentment towards pregnant colleagues or those on maternity leave, according to the Equality and Human Rights Commission.

“I was worried about being an inconvenience. Thankfully, I was congratulated and my employer worked with me to ensure I was comfortable moving forward, but if I felt this way initially in a supportive environment, it’s easy to understand why so many women in less inclusive workplaces hesitate to speak up”, shares our returner. 

Rather than reacting with judgement, employers should start seeing pregnancy as a normal life milestone that is a routine part of working life. Normalising pregnancy in the workplace won’t just benefit expectant mothers – it helps to create a culture where employees feel valued at every stage of life, and where women don’t feel the need to justify their right to both a career and a family.

3 key actions for employers

  • Congratulate pregnancy announcements
  • Undergo training on unconscious bias and conscious inclusion to ensure judgement-free behaviour and bias-free conversations
  • Be transparent and fair about how workload will be redistributed and managed across the team during maternity leave, helping to prevent feelings of resentment from other colleagues. 

2.   Recognise the impact of sickness, fatigue and pregnancy-related pain at work

In recent news, a pregnant property consultant, who was unfairly dismissed due to morning sickness, was awarded over £93,000 in claims – a sobering reminder to businesses that it’s not just employees who are impacted by a lack of inclusivity – it’s your bottom line, too.

A whopping 80% of women experience pregnancy-related nausea or sickness, according to the NHS. In addition, up to 70% of pregnant women experience back pain, and 90% experience fatigue, among other unfavourable symptoms.

“Morning sickness can be debilitating – and it can last all day. I remember holding my breath during meetings to curb my nausea”, says our recent returner. “When walking and standing became too painful, I was grateful for the option to work completely remotely in my third trimester”, she adds.

Workplace adjustments

To ensure workstations are comfortable and supportive, pregnant employees should be offered ergonomic adjustments. Employers can also offer remote and flexible working options to enhance inclusivity and help manage fatigue, such as the option to travel in during quieter times to avoid busy transport. 

If a disabled employee who has reasonable adjustments in place discloses their pregnancy, employers should work with the employee to review the adjustments to ensure they meet any changing needs during pregnancy and maternity leave. 

Disabled women experience significant inequalities in maternity care, experiencing worse maternity and neonatal outcomes. For example, disabled women have 44% higher odds of stillbirth or neonatal mortality, and up to 111% higher chances of longer hospital stays, according to The London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM). At this point, there is no policy guidance to address these shortcomings.

Employers should therefore be mindful of these inequalities filtering down into the workplace, and be proactive about providing the necessary accommodations. 

3 key actions for employers

  • Offer flexible and remote working options to help manage fatigue and difficult physical symptoms
  • Provide an ergonomic assessment of the workstation to ensure comfort
  • If a disabled employee has reasonable adjustments in place, work with them to ensure the adjustments reflect their changing needs - or provide temporary adjustments, if needed.

3.   Employers should be transparent about pregnancy rights in the workplace

Only 40% of women felt they had adequate information about maternity leave and their rights before and after giving birth, according to the Government Equalities Office.

“I felt guilty about asking for time off to attend antenatal appointments, so it really helped that my employer was proactive about explaining my rights, and ensuring I took the required time off”, shares our recent returner.

Unfortunately, not all employers are as forthcoming about maternity rights, despite them being legal obligations. 10% of mothers said their employer discouraged them from attending antenatal appointments, playing into the damaging notion that pregnancy is a burden on workplaces.  

Employers should have a clear maternity policy. The policy should outline what the employee is entitled to, expectations moving forward, and answer common questions – or at least direct employees towards other helpful resources. 

Recognising same-sex couples

It is also important to recognise same-sex couples and non-birthing parents in paternity policies. Non-birthing parents often feel excluded from healthcare conversations and support channels, and face challenges accessing parental leave. For example, a report from Best Beginnings found that non-gestational mothers lack access to appropriate perinatal mental health services and experienced exclusionary language from healthcare professionals. 

Workplaces should therefore ensure that parental policies support all parents - regardless of sexual orientation or gender. By having open conversations about maternity and paternity policies, it sends a strong signal that your organisation is inclusive towards pregnancy and parents in the workplace.

3 key actions for employers

  • Conduct regular HR check-ins with pregnant employees to ensure they are aware of available support
  • Use internal communication channels, such as the employee intranet or newsletter, to promote transparency around relevant policies
  • Establish clear maternity and paternity policies, which support all parents, regardless of gender and sexual orientation.

4.   Offer flexible working arrangements to support pregnant employees and new parents

As previously mentioned, offering flexible working arrangements is an effective way to enhance inclusivity for working mothers returning from maternity leave. According to Personnel Today, 39% of working mothers expressed a desire for more flexible working options, but almost a third (31%) say they are not offered the arrangements they need. 

As a result, one in 10 working mums have left their jobs due to difficulties balancing work and family life. Employers can help support returning mothers by offering phased returns, remote working or the option to condense hours.

For example, our returner recalls: “On my second day back at work, I ended up having to take my baby to A&E. While I was eager to make a good impression at work, my manager was supportive and encouraged me to take the time I needed to deal with the situation.”

Research from MetLife UK found that 27% of working parents feel guilty about taking unplanned leave to care for a sick child, with women nearly three times more likely than men to take this time off.

Rebalancing gender inequality with equal parental leave

These gender inequalities are perpetuated by the fact that women are entitled to 52 weeks of maternity leave (39 paid weeks), while men are only statutorily entitled to up to two weeks of paternity leave.

To challenge these traditional gender roles, employers should consider offering equal parental leave. In 2017, AVIVA became one of the first employers to launch an equal parental leave scheme, inclusive of different genders and sexual orientations. It offered new parents 12 months’ parental leave, with six months at full basic pay, and found that 80% of men took at least five months' leave when a new child arrived. 

Shared parental leave can be pivotal in reducing the glass ceiling and the 'motherhood penalty' by challenging traditional gender roles in parenting. When fathers and non-birthing partners take longer leave, it supports the idea that parenting roles should be equally shared, reducing the career setbacks and slower wage growth that mothers often experience. By implementing these inclusive policies, employers can work towards creating a fairer workplace environment for all parents.

 3 key actions for employers

  • Create a culture where flexibility and hybrid working is considered the standard, reducing stigma for employees who utilise it for health reasons
  • Offer the option of a phased return or condensed working hours to help with work-life balance
  • Consider implementing equal parental leave policies, helping to re-balance gender inequalities.

5.   Acknowledge maternity return with a re-onboarding plan

Maternity leave should be treated like any other career break - not as a career setback. Yet, only 21% of women believe that maternity leave doesn’t negatively impact their career progression, with many reporting they are overlooked for promotions upon their return, according to Maternity Action.

“I was anxious about returning to work; I worried about how I would be perceived and how quickly I would settle back in”, shares our returner. “However, I was made to feel welcome and valued, which boosted my confidence”, she adds.

Employers should celebrate maternity returns, not ignore them. Unfortunately, 78% of women say that their return to work after maternity leave could have been better supported if their employers had made a more formal effort to acknowledge it, according to Business in the Community.

“I returned to a four-week re-onboarding plan, which provided an overview of all recent business updates, my new projects and everything I needed to know to do my job moving forward”, explains our returner. “It showed me that my employer was invested in my career and that I wasn’t seen as a burden to the business”, she continues.

By developing a re-onboarding plan, employers are communicating that they are committed to ensuring a comfortable and supported return, fostering confidence, inclusivity and a welcoming environment. 

Mentorship programmes

Returning to work after maternity leave can be daunting. Employers should consider pairing returners with an experienced colleague, who can provide guidance and career development support. This initiative can be helpful in mitigating the 'motherhood penalty' by helping returning mothers to stay visible for promotions and career opportunities.  

3 key actions for employers

  • Acknowledge and celebrate maternity returns
  • Create a re-onboarding plan for returners and check in with them to discuss settle-in plans and support needs
  • Implement a mentoring scheme for maternity returners, helping to maintain career progression.

6.   Leverage the power of parental networks and employee resource groups (ERGs)

Employee resource groups (ERGs) are an effective way to create a community and sense of belonging within an organisation. Parental networks offer a safe space for parents to share challenges and receive support at work.

“I’ve been positively surprised by the amount of support I’ve received from colleagues, who have taken the time to check in and offer support. It’s nice to know there is someone to talk to if I need it”, shares our returner.

The effectiveness of ERGs is clear. According to Catalyst, 75% of women who participated in parental ERGs felt more supported and empowered to balance work and family responsibilities. Additionally, ERGs serve as valuable employee listening tools, providing organisations with helpful feedback and insights to address the unique challenges and needs of specific groups.  

3 key actions for employers

“For me, an employer who embraces empathy and models open communication about maternity in the workplace is key to creating a sense of belonging, free from judgement. By celebrating different life stages, being transparent about policies, and showing genuine support for maternity returners, employers have the power to shatter the stigma surrounding pregnancy and maternity leave, creating a positive ripple effect throughout the workplace”, concludes our returner. 

Investing in an inclusive culture

Our inclusive leadership training offers leaders the knowledge and tools needed to cultivate a culture that is free of bias, encouraging open communication and creating psychologically safe spaces for all. 

Alternatively, our unconscious bias training is designed to unveil hidden prejudices in a bid to create environments where everyone feels valued and included. 

Don’t find what you’re looking for? Schedule a call with one of our experts.

FAIRER Consulting
FAIRER Consulting stands at the forefront of thought leadership in the field of diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I). As part of the Advisory Services at Hays Plc, we are a specialist inclusion management company that supports global businesses to diversify their talent pools and to create inclusive work cultures in three key areas: education, leadership and consulting.