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What is inclusive language?

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Inclusive language definition

The words and expressions you use that do not discriminate against groups of individuals on the basis of their ability, gender, race, or socioeconomic situation are known as inclusive language. Inclusive language enables your organisation to practice speaking and writing in a way that is accessible to all, and will help with connecting with a wider range of people. The goal of inclusive language is to avoid offence and treat everyone with respect. It achieves this by refraining from using language and specific expressions that stigmatise, discriminate against, exclude, or ascribe negative meanings to the individual traits of particular individual or group. 


Real-world context

  • Talent acquisition: When seeking to acquire new staff, certain words can generate recruitment bias. For example, women will often avoid job advertisements that seem overly masculine and vice versa, which can ultimately narrow down your skill pool. Instead, recruiters should utilise terms that convey the idea of everyone working as a team, like "cooperative" and "collaborative”. 
  • Organisational culture: When inclusive language is used within the workplace, employees and teams will become more aware of previously stigmatised subjects and discuss them more openly. Taking accessible spaces as an example, discussing this in an inclusive way can lower anxiety and increase the possibility that disabilities will be discussed, taken into consideration, and included into both new and ongoing projects. This is an example of a proactive strategy as opposed to a reactive one. 
  • Wider customer reach: Inclusive language lets your clients, consumers, service users, and members know that you follow your policies as stated, bringing commitments that appear on paper to life, which would boost stakeholder trust.

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