Investing in female talent
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The challenge
FAIRER Consulting were commissioned to design and run a bespoke female talent development programme for the client.
Aimed at aspiring female leaders, the core aims of the programme were to:
- Examine the idea of gendered leadership – the ‘glass ceiling’ that often holds talented women back – taking an intersectional approach
- Explore how men and women are ‘read’ differently at the company – examining the culture in which senior women operate
- Consider the power of networks as a career enhancer
- Empower women by developing a sense of personal ambition, drive and purpose
- Build confidence in balancing their authentic work self with an authentic personal self
- Develop skills in amplifying women’s leadership voices
- Consider the role of sponsors to supercharge women’s careers
- Provide a framework for peer-to-peer mentoring and coaching – how women at the company can support other women
- Create a career-tracking roadmap based on peer-to-peer support
- Engage men and allies in career development
What we did
- 01 Leading in a man's world
- 02 Utilising networks
- 03 Authentic self
- 04 Goal setting
- 05 Allyship
Leading in a man's world
Explored the idea of gendered leadership and the invisible knapsack holding women back. This explored themes including:
- The think manager / think male principle
- Gender-benevolent bias and the double bind
- Understanding the culture for women at the company
Utilising networks
This session explored the role of internal and external networks and how using a social network analysis model, women can build strong career and empowerment networks.
Authentic self
This session explored ideas of personal ambition, drive and purpose as well as developing unique and authentic leadership styles.
Goal setting
This session explored ways in which women should amplify their leadership voice and find a sponsors to supercharge their career.
To support the learning experience all participants were:
- Provided with bi-weekly reading and video material to support their learning journey
- Provided with an individual leaning log
- Tasked to have regular sharing sessions with their line manager
- Invited to three group sessions to discuss wider themes that would support their learning journeys and career plans
The impact
- 100% programme completion
- 100% of programme participants completed the programme with an individual career development plan
- 96% rated the programme content as good or excellent
- 96% rated the programme facilitation as good or excellent
- 100% would recommend the programme to other colleagues
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