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Promoting DEI in sport

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A national governing body for a predominantly female sport approached FAIRER Consulting to undertake a review of its current approach to DEI. Our client is responsible for the strategic plan of the sport across the country. They are a not-for-profit customer-focused organisation, aiming to deliver a first-class member and participation experience.

561 Participants surveyed
6 Staff focus groups conducted
6 Stakeholder focus groups conducted

The challenge

FAIRER Consulting was tasked with supporting the development of a suite of DEI training. This training was designed to raise awareness of DEI issues and how these play out for staff, the executive team and the wider sporting family (players, volunteer workforce, coaches and officials).

We set out to identify a set of actions, which underpinned our client's new 10-year strategy, ensuring DEI best practice was embedded across areas such as organisational thinking and decision-making.

What we did

Mapping and review

We mapped the existing activities that our client has undertaken to promote DEI.

We also performed a top-level review of current policies and practices that seek to mitigate the effects of unconscious bias, as well as promote inclusion outcomes.

Inclusion surveys

We designed a bespoke inclusion survey for staff, consisting of 25 questions. The survey was completed by 77 employees, representing a statistically significant sample size. 

We also supported an inclusion survey of the wider sporting family, capturing perceptions of how inclusive the sport is for underrepresented groups. A total of 561 people aged 16+ completed the survey.

Additionally, a survey of non-players was conducted by a third-party organisation to identify potential barriers for these communities, and was used to inform actions that our client can take to make the sport accessible to all. 

Focus groups & stakeholder interviews

We conducted six focus groups with staff and representatives from across the wider sporting family, allowing us to take a deep dive into the wider organisational culture.

We also conducted six in-depth interviews with our client's executive team, and shared emerging themes from the inclusion surveys and focus group discussions.

Finally, we explored specific activities that our client has undertaken in the last year to promote inclusion.

DEI training

We developed a suite of in-person and virtual DEI training, aimed at a range of key stakeholders, to raise awareness of DEI issues and how they play out in this particular sport.

Training included: 

  • Inclusive leadership training - a bespoke workshop aimed at the executive team, offering them the tools to confidently role model inclusive behaviours in their everyday roles.
  • Conscious inclusion training - explores how to create an environment where everyone feels they belong.
  • Online workshop - 'Inclusion by design' - Covers the importance of equity, diversity, inclusion, belonging, understanding unconscious bias and insider-outsider dynamics, understanding micro-inequities, and conscious inclusion.

The impact

Participant feedback as part of the programme evaluation ranked the workshops as excellent on content, facilitation and applicability to the workplace environment. 

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