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Joanne Cash

Commissioner at Equality and Human Rights Commission

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Joanne Cash is a human rights expert and advocate. She has advised consecutive governments, think tanks and organisations on equalities legislation and policy for almost 20 years.

She practised as a barrister at 1 Brick Court for 15 years, serving as the South Eastern Circuit Junior and a member of the Bar Human Rights Committee.

In 2010 she stood for parliament in the marginal seat of Westminster North and used that first-hand experience of inner city challenges to found the social mobility programme Parent Gym in partnership with the behavioural science business Mind Gym. In 2012 she was made Board Chair of Mind Gym where she oversaw its ground breaking work on diversity and inclusion and the expansion of Parent Gym to a national programme. In 2018 she led the successful listing of Mind Gym on AIM.

Joanne is Chair of Parent Gym. She is also a Board advisor to Women2Win. She has recently been made a fellow of the Longevity Forum for her work on health and social equality.