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Promoting racial inclusion at work

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Explore how we worked with a global investment bank to develop a race inclusion programme, encouraging managers and employees to start having complex – and often, uncomfortable – conversations about race at work. We provided a safe space for all, which encouraged open and honest dialogue, resulting in significant strides towards racial inclusivity in the workplace. Read this diversity and inclusion case study to find out how we worked together to achieve this success.
40+ Workshops delivered
3,811 Employees trained
91% Of managers trained
50% Of non-managers trained

The challenge

This American multinational investment bank and financial services company, with offices in more than 42 countries and over 60,000 employees wanted to provide a space for managers to have open and honest conversations on the nature of race inclusion and race inequalities and discrimination, both in society at large and in the workplace.

What we did

FAIRER Consulting was commissioned to design and deliver a ‘Let’s Talk About Race’ (LTAR) inclusion programme aimed at the manager populations based in the UK headquarters in London. Designed and delivered in summer 2020 under UK Covid government guidelines and in consultation with key stakeholders, the FAIRER Consulting programme team designed an interactive webinar, specifically focused on four areas:

  • Exploring the concepts of race, racial prejudice and racial privilege
  • Understanding how micro-inequities impact ethnic minority individuals in the workplace
  • Moving from a ‘colour-blind’ approach to a ‘colour-brave’ approach
  • Empowering managers to start honest and open discussions within their teams.

‍The webinars provided every participant with a psychologically safe space to explore through discussion and exercise all aspects of race, ethnicity and racism in and out of the workplace.

The impact

Since the beginning of the programme, regular reviews have taken place, and the workshop design has been reviewed and revised, building on participant feedback and external social impacts.

Facilitators have observed a significant shift in the attitude towards the conversation of race inclusion. Participants are now showing a genuine interest in wanting to be part of the conversation and acknowledge the work ongoing at the investment bank to create a space for open dialogue within teams across the firm.

Due to the success of the programme delivery, the workshops went from voluntary attendance (in 2020) to mandatory attendance (in 2021). The UK programme consisted of over 40 workshops in 2022 and the programme is now available to employees in Germany.

The next phase of the programme focuses on promoting the key principles of allyship to the investment bank’s manager population, to support them in becoming active allies for race inclusion and continue to promote a culture of inclusion for all. 

The programme will continue to be regularly reviewed and revised to ensure its content remains current and meets the requirements to support our client’s EMEA Race Inclusion Strategy.

Within the first 2 years of the programme:

3811 active UK employees attended an LTAR workshop
91.0% of UK managers attended an LTAR workshop
50.1% of UK employees (not in a management position) attended a workshop

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